Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wellington - again

Oh, as always. Wellington had some pretty beautiful gems waiting for me when I went down this weekend just been.

Farrah at Enjoy gallery
With a little PNTR action.
With a little more PNTR Supertoy action
And I think, a little more. Loving the sunnies - especially the ones below with collage lenses.
Hey! MTV! Pick Me! Oh, wait - you just closed your NZ office, maybe not.
Some pretty beautiful artwork on the side of the Mexican place at the back of Left Bank:
Little boy in an alleyway.
I love this though. Friday night the door looks like this.
Saturday night. Ta da! Sparkly!
I do love the constant changing landscape of Wellington. Non-stop. There is always someone doing something around town. LOVE it.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Been seeing a lot of stickers around the traps recently.

I like the fact that they're quick and easy to execute, but that also takes away from what I love about street art a little. The whole risk of getting caught is kinda the thrill of street art.

Nonetheless, here are some of the pieces I've walked by recently. All on Ponsonby Road: