So, on my way to the markets today, I managed to get up close and personal with the -I'm gonna go with - crocheted hearts on the fence just up from Cuba Street. They are very cool, and I like the fact that someone took the time to put this together. Would have taken a decent amount of time and effort. And then a little further up, there is this lovely little homage to meat. Now, I'm not sure if that is what the artist was going for, but it what I read into it. Very cool either way, I bet it gets pulled down by next weekend, quite a shame. You can find these around here:
I fell in love with stencil art thanks to my beautiful sister who loves it also. I have taken photos of graffiti and stencil art for years and thought that it would be nice to share this art with other people.
If you have any photos of street art which you think should be included, or you're an artist who is doing some work which you would like to be covered in this blog, or you have photos of street art you're happy for me to upload, please drop me an email.
(If you're sending in images to be included, can you please supply me with as much info as possible? Location, who took the photo, website if applicable).
Their were about 12 or so people doing the hearts while we painted the door at alc ... its a bugger we didnt get any photos of them in action....
And the MEAT HOMAGE paste up has suprisingly been there for a few weeks. Normally things like that get ripped down pretty quickly.
Great spotting!!
Oh I love those, I saw them last weekend. :)
oooh, just found your blog - love!
And the hearts were organised by stiX of OutdoorKnit...
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